Kijimea® Immune


Kijimea® Immun is a preparation that is used to support the body’s own immune system. It contains a highly dosed combination of three living microcultures, which strengthen the immune system from the intestine and thus reduce susceptibility to infections. It was therefore developed especially for patients with a weakened immune system as a result of an infection. As studies conducted by Kijimea® have shown, therapy with Kijimea® Immun has significantly reduced the risk of colds, the severity of flu-like infections and the duration of the cold.


Kijimea® Immun is especially recommended for patients with an increased susceptibility to infections due to a weakened immune system. It can effectively support the body’s own immune system in fighting the pathogens. Even in the case of an already existing infection, it can significantly reduce the severity and duration of the cold and accelerate the healing process.

At the same time, studies conducted by Kijimea® have shown that long-term consumption of Kijimea® Immun also has a prophylactic effect. The probability of flu-like infections is significantly reduced, the severity of illness can be alleviated and the duration of the illness can be reduced. Kijimea® Immun is above all a preparation for strengthening the immune system.

It therefore only contains strains of bacteria that are relevant to the immune system. There are other products offered by Kijimea® (including Kijimea® Irritable Bowel) which are effective for gastrointestinal disorders. When taking Kijimea® Immun, it should be noted that increased flatulence can occur, especially at the beginning of therapy. This is due to the fact that the balance of the individual strains of bacteria in the intestine is disturbed by the high-dose therapy. Normally, however, these symptoms subside within a few days of starting therapy.

Side effect

Since Kijimea® Immun consists of microorganisms naturally occurring in the body, no side effects are known so far when using the preparation regularly. In rare cases, flatulence is more pronounced within the first few days after starting therapy. This is due to the fact that the balance between the individual strains of bacteria can be disturbed by the high-dose treatment with living microcultures.

However, the flatulence usually subsides within a few days. Kijimea® Immun is available lactose and gluten free. Furthermore, it contains no preservatives, sweeteners or flavorings. For this reason, possible intolerances to ingredients of the preparation are not known. Kijimea® products are also suitable for patients with diabetes, lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance.