Lower abdominal pain on the left side in men | Lower abdominal pain left

Lower abdominal pain on the left side in men

Some diseases that specifically occur in men can be a possible cause of left lower abdominal pain. In this context, diseases that affect the male genitals are particularly worthy of mention. Overall, however, lower abdominal pain in men is much less often caused by diseases of the genital organs than in women.

A possible cause for the occurrence of left-sided abdominal pain is a so-called testicular torsion. An increased mobility of the testis or an accident can cause the testis to rotate on its own axis and thus cut off the blood supply. Torsion of the testis is a urological emergency and should be treated as soon as possible to prevent the testis from dying.

In addition to pain in the lower abdomen and the groin region, a swollen and darkly discolored testis is a particular indication of the presence of testicular torsion. Diseases of the prostate can also be a reason for lower abdominal pain.Particularly in older people, so-called benign prostate hyperplasia often occurs. This benign enlargement of the prostate can be responsible for lower abdominal complaints, among other things.

Chronic inflammation of the prostate and cancer of the prostate can also lead to lower abdominal pain. Also more frequent in men than in women is lower abdominal pain, which occurs there as part of back pain. Tense muscles of the back can simulate complaints in the lower abdomen via nerve channels. Therefore, this cause should be considered especially when back pain occurs simultaneously.


In order to find out the cause of the lower abdominal pain, you should ask for the following information in addition to the patient survey Through the comprehensive physical examination, it should be found out how pain-sensitive the abdomen ultimately is, whether the pain is localized in one place or whether it is moving. For further clarification, an ultrasound can be carried out, where fluid accumulations in the abdominal area can be seen as well as wall thickening of the intestine. Especially an inflammation of the pancreas can be diagnosed in this way.

Furthermore, a blood test should be carried out. Inflammations of any kind are characterized by an increase in leukocytes and possibly a strong increase in the so-called C-reactive protein (CRP). Furthermore, parameters such as lipase and amylase should be determined.

  • Type and beginning of pain and after
  • Frequency of complaints