Marigold tea | Home remedy for conjunctivitis

Marigold tea

Calendula has an antibacterial effect and supports the healing of conjunctivitis. To do this, prepare a marigold tea and leave it covered to infuse for 15 minutes. After a cotton cloth has been soaked in it and lightly squeezed, it can be left to work for 15 minutes as a warm compress. Repeat several times a day.

Sage toppings

Sage soothes inflammation and has also been proven effective for overstrained eyes. You need 250ml water and 1 tablespoon of sage. The water is boiled and the sage is poured over it. After a infusion time of 10 minutes, strain and change a cotton cloth or cotton wool ball into the lukewarm infusion. By placing it on the diseased eye several times a day, it can be helped to relieve the eye.

Mashed Potato Packing

A pack of mashed potatoes is a tried and tested household remedy for conjunctivitis. You need 1 hot jacket potato, 1 egg yolk and a little milk. After heating the milk, crush the jacket potato and mix the egg yolks, potatoes and milk.

The porridge should be cooled down a little before it is put on the eye with a compress for 20 minutes. This process should be repeated 2 – 3 times a day. Honey can also be useful as an antibacterial aid against conjunctivitis. For this purpose, 250ml water and 1 teaspoon honey are boiled, left to cool and the affected eye rinsed several times a day.

Black tea against conjunctivitis

There are numerous household remedies from which an infusion can be made. In this infusion, compresses are soaked, which are then placed on the eye. Both the infusion and the compresses should only be used once.

Black tea helps well if symptoms such as burning or reddening occur in the context of conjunctivitis, because black tea contains active ingredients that are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Black tea is brewed in a tea bag and then cools down. The cooled tea bags are then placed on the closed eyelids to soothe the burning sensation.

This application can be done several times a day. Compresses soaked in black tea can also be used to cleanse the eye by wiping the eye from outside to inside. Black tea can also be used to rinse the eye.

Further therapy options

Further possibilities for the therapy/treatment of conjunctivitis include the administration of eye drops, ointments or antibiotics, which are used depending on the cause of the inflammation. Bacterial infections of the conjunctiva are treated with antibiotic eye drops and ointments, while a bacterial infection with the pathogen chlamydia requires an additional antibiotic in tablet form and the therapy takes longer. Viral conjunctivitis is difficult to treat with medication, which makes it so serious.

The symptoms can be treated and are usually treatable with home remedies, but the disease itself must be fought by the body itself, so that it is overcome and heals after about 2 weeks. In children, conjunctivitis caused by the herpes simplex virus, chickenpox or measles is often easily treated with the drug acyclovir in the form of eye drops or tablets. Eye drops containing corticosteroids are temporarily possible, but should only be used for a short time, as they have too many side effects for long-term therapy and additionally delay the healing process.