Medicines against flatulence during pregnancy | Medicines against flatulence

Medicines against flatulence during pregnancy

Flatulence during pregnancy tortures many women. Especially in the first third of a pregnancy, increased production of the hormone progesterone slows down digestion. Flatulence becomes symptomatic through increased air accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to the antiflatulent Simeticon contained in Lefax®, the Dimeticon in sab simplex® also helps to combat a feeling of fullness and gas accumulation in the digestive tract. Sab simplex® works similarly to the active ingredient Simeticon; in addition to the therapy of acute flatulence, it is also used in diagnostic imaging to reduce the formation of gas shadows. As chewable tablets or drops, sab simplex® can be purchased over the counter in pharmacies. The tablets must be thoroughly chewed when ingested in order to achieve an optimal effect. However, pregnant women should not take the medication for longer than three days without consulting their doctor.

Medicines against flatulence in babies

If babies suffer from flatulence, this is not only unpleasant for the little ones, but also for the parents. The children are tearful, scream a lot and sleep little. In order to improve the baby’s symptoms, one can first try to combat flatulence with cherry pit pillows or belly massages.

If these measures do not bring any improvement, one can also take medication to combat flatulence in babies or infants. Defoaming medications such as Sab simpelx® are recommended. For babies, the medication is administered as drops, which are either added to the bottle or, in the case of nursing children, administered with a spoon.

Lefax® can also be administered to babies before meals. Alternatively, many mothers also resort to homeopathic remedies if their child suffers from flatulence. A spoonful of unsugared fennel or caraway tea before breastfeeding or feeding can help to avoid air accumulation in the intestine.

If the baby is breastfed, the mother can also drink a few cups of fennel or caraway tea throughout the day. However, the most important thing with flatulence in children is physical closeness to the parents. Abdominal massages or gentle rocking while carrying the baby around calms the baby and helps to relieve the pain of flatulence. You might also be interested in this topic: Flatulence in babies