Medicines for hot flashes | Drugs in the menopause

Medicines for hot flashes

Men also go through the menopause and also have corresponding complaints, but the nature and extent of these complaints differ greatly from those of women. While the proportion of women who need medical treatment for menopausal symptoms is around 25%, only almost 2-3% of men seek medical help for menopausal symptoms. Nevertheless, men’s symptoms can also become so severe that it is no longer possible without medication.

Men also suffer from mood swings or heavy sweating, sleep disorders or bladder emptying disorders as well as erectile dysfunction. The main complaints in men during the menopause are caused by an age-related drop in testosterone production. Approximately 10% of men suffer from a symptomatic decrease in testosterone, which can be determined by a blood count.

Men with menopausal symptoms are treated by testosterone supplementation. The following medications are used for symptomatic testosterone deficiency: Andriol capsules, Androtop gel, Axiron gel for the skin and Nebido injection solution. At the plant level, astaxantine is the main drug used. Astaxantine belongs to the group of carotenoids and is produced from algae or plankton. The extract of saw palmetto, which is mainly used in the presence of benign prostate enlargement, can enhance the effect of astaxantine and thus further improve testosterone formation.

Homeopathy in the menopause

The effect of homeopathy is not known. Nevertheless, there are many people who take homeopathic medicines and confirm the positive effect. There are also numerous homeopathic preparations for menopausal complaints, the use of which can be recommended on a trial basis for mild to moderate complaints.

With homeopathic preparations, a distinction is made between single remedy homeopathy and complex remedy homeopathy. Complex homeopathic preparations are usually mixtures of different substances, but they are taken together. The best choice of the right homeopathic medication is made when you first look at which symptom causes menopause.

If heavy sweating is the main problem, followed by a feeling of cold, you would take Acisum sulfuricum. For heavy sweating, which occurs mainly in the evening, Sepia officinalis would be the best preparation with the strongest homeopathic effect. If the sweating does not allow you to sleep and occurs mainly at night, you would have to take a treatment with Aurum metallicum.

Sleep disorders caused by menopause should also be classified more precisely before the right medication is found. Sleep disorders that are mainly caused by anxiety or worries would have to be treated with Aconitum. If insomnia occurs despite severe fatigue, a treatment with Arnica can be attempted.