Nausea during pregnancy | Nausea: What to do about it?

Nausea during pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy almost all women experience morning sickness, which is often accompanied by vomiting. The nausea occurs mainly within the first three months. It is thought to be caused by a hormonal change within the first months of pregnancy.

The nausea is probably caused by a combination of hormonal fluctuations, an irregular blood sugar level, dehydration, as well as stress, tiredness and other factors associated with the additional physical strain of pregnancy. A ray of hope for affected women is that the nausea is only temporary and recedes during pregnancy. As with non-pregnant women, the following advice applies here: Care should always be taken to ensure adequate fluid intake.

It is better to take several small rather than a few large meals. During the phase with nausea, light food is recommended. Care should be taken to ensure sufficient rest.

In acute cases, warm herbal teas such as camomile or peppermint tea and fresh air are often helpful. If all these measures do not lead to a sufficient control of the nausea, the treating gynaecologist should be consulted. He can decide whether the use of antiemetics, i.e. drugs against nausea, is possible and sensible.

If the blood sugar level is the cause, it can help to eat something early in the morning. An all-round healthy diet during pregnancy can only have a positive effect on nausea. This also includes a sufficient water supply and abstaining from caffeine. and rotational vertigo during pregnancy

Headaches and nausea

A typical clinical picture that describes headaches with nausea is migraine. Migraine does not have a direct influence on the stomach, but the nausea is triggered by changes in the responsible centers of the brain. In addition to migraine, tension headaches or meningitis as well as meningitis can also trigger nausea.

The nausea can become so severe that vomiting occurs. The headaches can also be caused by the nausea, as is the case with gastrointestinal infections. Headaches occur as a result of fluid loss due to excessive vomiting or diarrhoea. In the case of nausea, drugs such as Vomex can be helpful. In case of nausea with headaches, a doctor should be consulted, especially if the background is unknown or if the headache occurs suddenly, in order to clarify the cause and have it treated.