Neck pain after a fall | Neck Pain

Neck pain after a fall

Depending on the type of fall, neck pain may occur. These often occur when falling on the head or on the shoulder. In principle, a doctor should always be consulted after such a fall.

In connection with a fall, neck pain can be a sign of dangerous consequences. For example, they often occur when whiplash injury is present. There is a risk that structures in the neck and back of the neck have been injured.

Particular care must be taken in the area of the spine, as injuries in this area can sometimes result in paralysis. Therefore, these should be clarified by a physician, especially if nausea, vomiting or paralysis of the arms occur in addition. In the case of a fall with impact on the shoulder or clumsy support, neck pain can also be caused by extreme muscle tension.

In such moments of shock, the muscles can quickly contract strongly. This can lead to pain in the neck area after the fall and can be treated by massages and physiotherapy. If you sit too long next to an air conditioner or an open window in windy weather, many people complain of neck pain afterwards.

This pain caused by the draft is caused by the cooled muscles. This causes tension, which can be very painful for those affected. Therefore it should be avoided to expose the neck to direct cold for too long.

To warm up the muscles, heat cushions can be helpful, which can be easily placed in the neck while lying down or sitting. Relaxation and loosening exercises can also help to release tension. In some cases, neck pain can also be caused by dental problems.

For example, inadequate dental treatment is a possible cause. An ill-fitting prosthesis or dental crown can lead to malpositioning of the jaw. This often leads to tension in the muscles, which can spread to the neck.

Severe toothache, for example due to advanced caries, can also lead to relieving postures and thus to neck pain. Teeth grinding can also be a possible cause. Neck pain as a result of craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) is also possible. In this disease, the masticatory system is incorrectly loaded, resulting in overloading of the surrounding structures. Here you can find detailed information on the topic: Craniomandibular Dysfunction