Nutrition for arteriosclerosis


Arteriosclerosis is an increasing problem of western industrialized society. Along with gout, it is one of the major diseases of affluence of our time. Nutrition plays the most decisive and at the same time easiest to influence component in its development.

Nevertheless, arteriosclerosis is an effect that also occurs with a supposedly “perfect” diet. Then however in substantially smaller measure and so that from it hardly health problems arise. Main indicator for an increasing Arteriosklerose is for the physician thereby the Cholesterinwert of its patient. More precisely, the ratio of HDL cholesterol to LDL cholesterol. This value is increased if the patient eats too fat or too much over the course of time.

Which foods have a positive effect on arteriosclerosis?

There is a variety of foods that are said to have a protective effect in relation to arteriosclerosis: From a medical point of view, however, it must be noted that only a positive diet is not sufficient to effectively prevent arteriosclerosis or to “treat” it. Movement and physical activity are the second important pillar in the treatment of arteriosclerosis.

  • These include apples and grapefruits.

    These contain so-called pectins, which are assumed to be able to slow down the progression.

  • Furthermore, foods with many vitamins such as spinach, oranges, but also chard are a good option. Vitamins serve the body as so-called oxidation protection. This means that they prevent the cholesterol in the blood from being deposited on the walls of the blood vessels, thus reducing their diameter.
  • In addition, it is recommended to fall back on food with many unsaturated fatty acids. This category includes avocados, but also most types of fish. Their fats are on the side of the so-called “good” cholesterol, the HDL cholesterol.

Which foods have a negative effect on arteriosclerosis?

Negative effects have “unfortunately” almost everything that is quick to eat and tastes good to the common citizen. The talk is of fast food! In all rule, particularly however with large fast-food chains, food is processed, which contains many saturated fatty acids and which was often mixed with glutamate for taste reinforcement.

Further examples would be a diet that is heavily meat-heavy. It leads inevitably to an increase of the Cholesterinwerte, whereby here usually both the HDL and the LDL Cholesterin are increased. As a result, the total cholesterol is also increased.

In addition, frequent consumption of meat is the greatest risk factor for the development of gout disease. Not only a wrong diet carries risks for arteriosclerosis. Find out what else is a possible cause: sweets and chips are other foods that have a negative effect on arteriosclerosis.

It is probably well known that chips are greasy and contain up to 40% fat per 100g. Unfortunately the deep-frying fat is usually also saturated fatty acids. Sweets containing sugar have an indirect effect on the cholesterol value. The body is able to store unused carbohydrates in the form of fats. This could also interest you:

  • Causes of arteriosclerosis
  • Healthy nutrition