Medical history (history of illness) is an important component in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer (ovarian cancer).
Family history
- Are there any tumor cases in your family that are common?
- Are there any hereditary diseases in your family?
Social history
- What is your profession?
- Are you exposed to harmful working substances in your profession?
Current medical history/systemic medical history (somatic and psychological complaints).
- Have you noticed a distended abdomen?
- Did you lose weight at the same time?*
- Do you have abdominal pain?
- Do you suffer from bloating, nausea?
- Have you noticed any change in bowel movements and/or urination (frequency, quantity, pain)?
- Do you have vaginal discharge?
Vegetative anamnesis including nutritional anamnesis.
- Are you overweight? Please tell us your body weight (in kg) and height (in cm).
- Have you lost body weight unintentionally?
- When was your last menstruation (period)?
Self history including medication history.
- Previous diseases (tumor diseases)
- Operations
- Allergies
- Pregnancies
Medication history
- Menopausal hormone replacement therapy:Estrogen or estrogen-progestin therapy may increase ovarian cancer risk; onset of action with user periods of less than 5 years; risk reduces after discontinuation of therapy.
- Less frequent use of ovulation inhibitors (“the pill”) than average women.
Environmental history
- Occupational contact with carcinogens such as asbestos or talc (talcum powder).
- Hair dye
* If this question has been answered with “Yes”, an immediate visit to the doctor is required! (Information without guarantee)