Pain after wisdom tooth surgery


The wisdom teeth are no longer present in some people due to evolutionary reasons, as we no longer need them due to our current way of life and especially due to our diet. The human jaw has also become smaller during evolution, which is why there is often no room left for the wisdom teeth. In about 60% of all people, the wisdom teeth are displaced, i.e. not in their intended place and in the wrong axis, or there is so little space that they can no longer break through.

These are exactly the reasons why wisdom teeth have to be surgically removed in an osteotomy. Due to a complicated location, the procedure can become a serious operation, which can then even be performed under general anesthesia by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. However, the patient’s concern about the procedure and the time of healing can also be unfounded. Which medications can promote wound closure after wisdom tooth removal and minimize pain, and how long does the wound healing take?

Duration of pain

The duration of pain after wisdom tooth surgery cannot be categorized in a generalized way, as it influences several factors. There are also patients who have no complaints after an uncomplicated removal of the wisdom teeth. In general, it can be said that the longer and more complicated the wisdom tooth surgery is, the higher the risk of suffering from pain.

The usual post-operative pain is almost completely gone after a few days, at the latest after the stitches are removed (if the wound has been sutured, which is not necessary in many cases) 7 to 10 days after the procedure, this slight pain disappears completely. However, if the wound becomes inflamed after the operation, stronger pain may occur, which will also last longer until the inflammation subsides. In this case, the patient may still feel pain after two weeks.

If the patient visits the doctor regularly, an anti-inflammatory ointment or the intake of an antibiotic can relieve the discomfort faster and thus reduce the duration of the pain. In the case of systemic diseases such as diabetes, wound healing can be disturbed, so that wound pain occurs for a longer period of time. The slight pain can also last up to a month.