Osteotomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Osteotomy is a surgical procedure that is used to correct bone deformities. Often, these are misalignments of the leg, foot or jaw bones. What is osteotomy? If patients suffer from hallux valgus, or a crooked big toe, a pivot osteotomy of the metatarsal bone is usually performed. Ideally, the big toe is straightened after the … Osteotomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Surgery on the tooth

Introduction There are a number of surgical procedures that are regularly performed in dentistry, because it is not always sufficient to free the tooth from caries and to place a filling. In the worst case, the tooth cannot be saved and must be extracted. The apicoectomy is a treatment attempt to save the tooth from … Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy Cysts are hollow spaces lined with mucosa. If a cyst forms in the jaw, it should usually be removed and last but not least, it should be examined to see whether it is a benign or possibly malignant change in the tissue. In cystostomy, a connection between the cyst cavity and the oral or … Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Hollow foot

Definition A hollow foot (medically: Pes cavus, Pes excavatus) is a malposition of the foot. It can be congenital or acquired in the course of life. Depending on the degree of the malposition, the hollow foot can be recognized as such from the outside. A change in the longitudinal arch of the foot results in … Hollow foot

Therapy for Perthes disease

Introduction If a child suffers from Perthes disease, priority must be given to relieving the affected leg and preventing deformation of the femoral head. If these therapeutic measures are carried out successfully during the resorption and rebuilding of the bone during the course of the disease, the prognosis is good. The child can thus recover … Therapy for Perthes disease

Physiotherapy without surgery | Therapy for Perthes disease

Physiotherapy without surgery In almost all stages of Perthes disease, conservative forms of treatment can be used – for example, physiotherapy. In this clinical picture, the movement of the leg away from the body plumb line (abduction) and internal rotation in the hip joint are particularly restricted.In addition to training that concentrates on these movements, … Physiotherapy without surgery | Therapy for Perthes disease