Pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy

What is pubic pain during pregnancy?

Pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy is the term used to describe pain that often occurs in the front part of the pubic bone from the middle of the pregnancy onwards. They affect about 10% of all pregnant women and can be punctually stabbing or radiate into surrounding areas. Pain in the pubic bone is caused by the loosening of the so-called symphysis, the cartilaginous connection between the two pubic bones. In most cases they disappear a few weeks after the birth of the baby. During pregnancy, additional stress on the symphysis should be avoided if pubic bone pain occurs.

How dangerous can this be for my baby?

If pubic pain occurs during pregnancy, this is a sign that the mother’s body is adjusting to the pregnancy. The symphysis, which consists of cartilage and connects the two pubic bones, is loosened by hormones and can therefore cause pain. This usually has no effect on the baby. Similarly, pubic bone pain is usually not a sign that something is wrong with the baby because it is caused by the mother’s body. In case of any uncertainties or questions, it can still be useful to consult the treating gynecologist.

Causes of pubic pain during pregnancy

Pain in the pubic bone, which occurs during pregnancy, is caused by the so-called symphysis. This is the cartilaginous connection between the right and left pubic bone. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone ensures that the mother’s body adjusts to the pregnancy and birth.

To ensure that the maternal pelvis has enough room for the growing baby, the symphysis must also be loosened. This also enlarges the later birth canal. The progesterone thus ensures that the cartilage structures of the symphysis are loosened, causing the adjacent pubic and pelvic bones to shift slightly.

This can lead to pubic bone pain during pregnancy. In addition, the baby needs many minerals during pregnancy, including calcium and phosphorus. These are mainly found in the mother’s bones and are to a certain extent removed from them to supply the baby. As a result, the mother’s bones become somewhat more unstable, which further promotes the relaxation of the symphysis. Are you more interested in this topic?