Pain in the urethra during urination or ejaculation | Pain in the urethra

Pain in the urethra during urination or ejaculation

Often the pain in the urethra is intensified by urination when the bladder and urethra are inflamed. The urine irritates the inflamed mucous membrane of the urethra, which we can perceive particularly strongly at its opening, since many nerve endings are located there. The same painful irritation of the inflamed mucous membrane can be caused in a man by ejaculation. Apart from the fact that such complaints in men should always be examined, a doctor must rule out the possibility that the inflammation has not reached the prostate and/or the epididymis.

Pain in the urethra when sitting

If pain occurs in the urethra or in the pelvis, especially when sitting down, one should consider an inflammation of the prostate gland, especially in men. The prostate is located below the bladder at the urethra and can therefore be pressed slightly when sitting. In addition, a pressing pain while sitting can also occur with benign prostate enlargement.

Sitting on a narrow bicycle seat is perceived as particularly uncomfortable. Since an inflammation of the prostate must be treated with medication, the patient with these pain symptoms should consult a doctor. In women, pain that increases significantly when sitting can be accompanied by irritation of the uterus, vagina or ovaries.

In addition to inflammation, the cause can also be menstruation, which is often accompanied by a feeling of pressure. If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time, a gynecologist should examine all the organs involved more closely.