Patellar tip syndrome
The patella tendon is the attachment tendon of the quadriceps muscles of the thigh. It extends over the patella and knee joint and is anchored in the upper part of the tibia. It thus performs important functions in the extension of the knee.
Patellar tendinitis occurs when the tendon on the upper tibia is irritated and inflamed at its base. This can lead to considerable pain below the knee, which is initially limited to movement but can later become permanent. Patellar tendinitis is mainly caused by excessive strain, as in knee bends or jumping sports such as volleyball and basketball.
The pain subsides if the knee is protected and stretched before the sport. This is a typical so-called “enthesiopathy”, an irritation of the tendon insertion, like tennis elbow or impingement syndrome. Supplementary information: Burning pain in the knee
Quadriceps tendonitis
Inflammation of the quadriceps tendon is a very similar clinical picture to patellar tendon syndrome. This can lead to inflammation throughout the entire course of the tendon. In most cases, these are caused by irritation due to incorrect strain or excessive exercise.
Frequent triggers are mainly sports involving jumping or frequent acceleration and deceleration. Many athletic disciplines can have an irritating effect on the patella tendon. Inflammation of the tendon can be diagnostically detected by swelling and overheating. The most important therapeutic measure is initially to protect the knee joint and give the tendon time to regenerate.
Chondrocalcinosis is a deposit of calcium in the joint cartilage. Various joints can be affected by this clinical picture, but the menisci of the knee joint are particularly frequently involved. Often metabolic diseases are behind chondrocalcinosis.
Similar to gout, acute attacks can occur, which are very painful and can almost completely restrict mobility in the knee. The most important method of treatment is the adequate therapy of possible metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or diseases of the calcium metabolism.
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