Physiotherapy for coccyx pain during pregnancy

Coccyx pain is not uncommon during pregnancy. However, since the pain is usually often the result of the dilation of the pelvic ring, whereby the ligaments and muscles are stretched considerably, especially in the region of the coccyx, physiotherapy can achieve good results in pain treatment. Through manual therapy and other techniques, the tensed tissue can be loosened and the pain relieved. A series of exercises can also prevent the development of problems and allow a more pleasant course of pregnancy. It is therefore advisable to talk to a physiotherapist early on in order to start the therapy or the exercises before the actual pain develops.

Therapy/what helps?

The treatment of coccyx pain depends on the type and extent of the pain and the underlying cause. Due to the special circumstances during pregnancy, not all therapeutic measures are suitable. The most important methods are listed below.

1.) Drug therapy The use of painkillers during pregnancy is only possible to a limited extent and sometimes even contraindicated. The drug of choice for pain is paracetamol, as it is broken down by the liver and cannot cross the placenta barrier.

Ibuprofen can also be administered in moderation. In both cases, however, the doctor treating the patient should be consulted in advance. 2.)

Heat applications Since coccyx pain is often caused by overstrained and cramped muscles, heat applications such as a grain pillow, a heating mat, a heat plaster or a hot bath can provide relief. 3.) Exercises Targeted exercises to stretch, stabilize and relieve the strained pelvic ring area can help to loosen the muscles and thus get the pain under control.

The exercises also have a preventive effect and can prevent the development of new problems. 4.) Physiotherapy Physiotherapeutic measures such as manual therapy with gentle grip techniques, pregnancy massages and aids such as a pelvic belt and instructions on how to perform various exercises are a good therapy option for coccyx pain.

5.) Prenatal gymnastics and relaxation therapy Prenatal gymnastics (also water gymnastics if desired) and relaxing sports such as yoga and Pilates can also help relieve coccyx pain and reduce the stress level of pregnant women in general. Which form of therapy is most suitable for the individual pregnant woman must be decided on a case-by-case basis.

5.) Pregnancy gymnastics and relaxation therapy Pregnancy gymnastics (also water gymnastics) and relaxing sports such as yoga and Pilates can also help to relieve coccyx pain and lower the stress level of pregnant women in general. Which form of therapy is most suitable for the individual pregnant woman must be decided on a case-by-case basis. Which form of therapy is most suitable for the individual pregnant woman must be decided on a case by case basis.