Advantages/disadvantages of the electric toothbrush | The first toothbrush for babies – You must know that!

Advantages/disadvantages of the electric toothbrush

The main advantage of electric toothbrushes is the better cleaning result compared to manual toothbrushes. The strong vibration of the brush head provides a high cleaning comfort, because you only have to guide the electric toothbrush along the tooth surfaces. There is still no need to exert pressure on the brush head due to the electric toothbrush‘s own movements.

For children, brushing with an electric toothbrush is more fun than with a manual toothbrush. However, children should not be allowed to brush with an electric toothbrush until they are 2-3 years old, in order to develop their manual skills. Furthermore, the brushes contain a timer that sets the minimum cleaning time.

This orientation helps to improve oral hygiene. The night part of electric toothbrushes are the usually high purchase costs. Furthermore, the replacement brush heads are also very expensive.

Another disadvantage is the possible irritation of gums and teeth. If too much pressure is applied, the gums as well as the hard tooth substance can be damaged. Therefore, the use of an electric toothbrush is not recommended for babies, whose gums are already very irritated during the tooth brushing process. Manual toothbrushes or finger cots should be used here.

Advantages/disadvantages of the manual toothbrush

The advantage of the manual toothbrush is a low purchase price. You are not dependent on the power supply or a charged battery and can take the toothbrush with you wherever you go. There is hardly any danger of damaging the surrounding gums or tooth.

Nevertheless, you should always pay attention to the appropriate hardness of the bristles. Night part of the manual toothbrush is the inferior cleaning result compared to the electric toothbrush. With the right brushing technique, a similar result can still be achieved, but it is not comparable to the electric toothbrush.

Especially children have less fun brushing with a manual toothbrush. For babies and toddlers the use of a manual toothbrush is more suitable. The surrounding gums are not damaged and the cleaning result by the parents is completely sufficient.