Pimples in the eye


One speaks of a pus pimple in the eye when bacteria cause an accumulation of pus in an eye. This pus pimple can develop on the inside or the edge of the eyelid. A pus pimple in the eye is basically an inflammation of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

The inflammatory processes can lead to a swelling of the affected eye. Pus pimples in the eye are also known as barleycorn. This is a bacterial inflammation.

This is contagious. This means that it is possible to infect others as well as your own unaffected eye. Children and people with weakened immune systems are most frequently affected. Often people who suffer from diabetes also have a higher risk of getting a barleycorn.

Causes of pus pimples in the eye

Bacteria cause the pus pimples in the eye. Causes for the entry of bacteria into the eye are often dust, draught, genetic factors, dirt, existing inflammation on the edge of the eyelid, a weakened immune system or dry eyes. Dry eyes can develop as a result of dry heating air, cold and reduced blink of an eyelid, e.g. during increased PC work.

This means that a limited build-up and drainage of the tear film can cause a secretion congestion in the eyelid glands. This can lead to inflammation. Bacteria are involved here.

Often skin germs such as Staphylococcus aureus or other staphylococci are the cause. More rarely it is streptococci that cause the pus pimple in the eye. The bacteria can also get into the eye through dirt on the fingers.

This can often be the case in children. However, dirt and dust are usually not the sole cause, but in combination with a weakened immune system, the risk of developing a barleycorn is much higher. The immune system can be weakened in every age group for various reasons. Previous infections, hormonal changes and physical and/or psychological stress can temporarily lower the body’s own defenses and promote the development of a barleycorn.