Before the operation | Eyebrow lift

Before the operation

Please ask your plastic surgeon for individual advice on which surgical technique is best for you. Before the operation it is important to discuss the medication you are taking. For example, aspirin may have to be discontinued for a few days.

In addition, an anaesthetist (anaesthetist) and your plastic surgeon will decide whether you need a general or local anaesthetic. The type and duration of the operation, but also the patient’s wishes, play a role. If you and your anaesthetist decide to use a general anaesthetic, please remember that you must not eat or drink anything before the operation.

Before the operation, the plastic surgeon will not only advise you, but also carry out a physical examination. Bony structures will be palpated, the skin examined and the general condition assessed. This includes blood pressure and blood coagulation. Beautiful, thick eyebrows are a dream for every woman. In the following article you can read how you can accelerate the growth of your eyebrows even without surgery: Eyebrow Growth

Operation procedure

This type of eyebrow lift involves the removal of the area of skin above the eyebrows. First the patient is brought into a sitting position. Then the forehead is anaesthetized with local anaesthetics.

After successful anaesthesia, the incision is marked on the eyebrows and the place where the eyebrows are to be lifted. The skin flap between these marks is removed. Then the eyebrows can be lifted and sutured.

The suture is placed under the skin level (subcutaneous suture) to keep scars as small as possible. However, scars are not completely avoidable. Normally, however, they are hidden by the eyebrows and are therefore not or hardly visible.

Please note that this can change with hair loss in the eyebrow area. With this method an incision is made above the hairline or an incision is made from ear to ear. This depends on the plastic surgeon, the patient’s hair and the aim of the operation, because not every hair can cover a large incision.

The hair usually does not need to be shaved off. After the incision is made, the surgeon first takes care of the tissue that lies under the skin. The underlying fatty tissue or muscles can be partially removed or tightened.

The skin is then pulled towards the hairline and secured with sutures. The excess skin is removed. Depending on the size of the operation, it may be necessary to insert a drainage tube.

This serves to drain blood and tissue fluids from the wound. However, if a drainage tube is inserted, it usually only remains in place for one day. Depending on the size of the operation, it may also be necessary to apply a head bandage.

The patient can usually leave the clinic on the day of the operation. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. In the third option, the so-called keyhole method is used.

Here, only small incisions of about one to two centimeters in diameter are made. Here too, the incisions are made above the hairline and are normally not visible after the operation. Instruments and a small camera are inserted through the small incisions.

The doctor can now see exactly what he is operating on on a screen. The forehead is lifted up with the help of the inserted instruments and then sutured in place. This tightens the skin and reduces wrinkles.

Excess skin is also removed. After the operation, as with the second method, it may be necessary to insert a drainage tube and apply a head bandage. Please ask your doctor about its handling before the operation. Discharge is on the day of surgery if the operation is without complications.