Preventing Occupational Diseases: Responsibilities

When a condition leads to frequent sick leave or even chronic illness, a change in the workplace may also be in order. Even if it’s not a defined occupational disease, occupational physicians could do a better job of prevention for common occupational illnesses, Letzel argues.

After all, occupational physicians keep an eye on around 39 million people working in Germany and ideally see the specific work situation as well as individual resilience and the private environment.

Insurance against occupational diseases

Anyone in Germany who can no longer work or can only work to a limited extent for health reasons is covered in several ways. Only illnesses or accidents caused directly by the occupation are considered occupational diseases – the law currently recognizes 77. The employers’ liability insurance associations can then provide rehabilitation, retraining or even a pension, taking into account the legal requirements and depending on the individual case of illness.

Coverage for widespread illnesses and reduced earning capacity

If, on the other hand, the conditions required by law for recognition of an illness as an occupational disease are not present, the health insurance will cover the costs of treatment and also for sick pay. If the affected person is nevertheless unable to return to work and applies for a reduced earning capacity pension, it becomes a case for the statutory pension insurance. If necessary, it also pays for rehabilitation and retraining.

A pension for full reduction in earning capacity is only available if the person concerned can no longer work in any profession for at least three hours a day. Overall, these are worse conditions than the former occupational disability pension. For this reason, employees born in 1961 or later should take out additional private insurance to protect themselves against reduced earning capacity.


The best remedy for one-sided stress at work is adequate exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming and cycling. In addition, it sometimes helps to loosen up one-sided stresses by changing posture or during breaks at work. We have compiled tips to prevent one-sided stress at work.

Tips for frequent standing

  • Wear comfortable flat shoes, but at the same time provide good support for the foot.
  • Move as much as possible.

Frequent change of posture

  • Use standing frames that allow you to alternate between standing upright and leaning or sitting postures.
  • Stimulate your blood circulation, for example, by gently rocking and rolling between the heel and ball of the foot.

Exercise despite sitting a lot

Those who sit a lot, nevertheless have quite a few activities that can be done standing, such as opening mail or making phone calls.

  • Walk over to a colleague instead of talking on the phone and create movement.
  • Conduct meetings even standing once.
  • Bring office supplies and work documents or even printer and fax in other rooms and thus provide movement in the workday.
  • Relieve the back through regular short breaks with movement (special exercises are suitable for this).
  • You may be able to put a standing desk in the office for some work.
  • Rock up and down occasionally while thinking, because this stimulates the little gray cells better than “sitting out” a problem.