What measures are used to attack the enamel? | White teeth

What measures are used to attack the enamel?

People who suffer from severe tooth discoloration no longer necessarily have to resort to expensive bleaching procedures that can only be performed in the dental office. Especially the influence that these whiteners have on the structure as well as the health of the tooth surface makes many people prefer to use supposedly gentler household remedies. Although many of the known home remedies are actually able to remove light discoloration from the tooth surface, they do not always result in truly white teeth.

Especially lemon juice is one of the most popular household remedies for white teeth. Regular brushing of the teeth with lemon juice is said to be an effective way to whiten the tooth surface. However, when using this household remedy, it is important to remember that lemon juice is a natural acid.

Acidic products attack and roughen the tooth surface. The tooth enamel is weakened and the smallest dirt niches are created. For this reason, regular use of lemon juice can even lead to irreparable damage to the enamel.

Especially in connection with the abrasive particles in toothpastes, brushing with lemon juice is not recommended. In addition, commercial baking powder is one of the household remedies for white teeth, which should be considered rather questionable. The regular use of baking powder can actually cause the teeth to turn white, but the side effects of this household remedy should not be underestimated.

The whitening of the tooth surface when using baking powder is achieved by a grinding (abrasive) mechanism. In addition, strawberries and/or strawberry extract can help to effectively lighten the tooth surface. The fruit must be processed into a viscous paste before use and then applied to the tooth surface.

After an exposure time of about five to ten minutes, the household remedy can be removed with a regular toothbrush and toothpaste. But this household remedy also contains risks that should not be underestimated. The reason for this is that strawberries also have natural acids which have a negative effect on the enamel.

Furthermore, when using strawberry paste, there is a risk that the small seeds of the fruit get under the gum line, settle there and lead to the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, the red fruit itself has a large number of color particles that can cause new discolorations. For decades, commercially available baking powder has been considered a miracle cure for white teeth.

The effect of the baking powder is mainly based on the ingredient sodium hydrogen carbonate (short: baking soda). This special ingredient can also be found in most commercially available whitening toothpastes. Before the actual application, the baking powder must be mixed with some tap water.

The foaming that occurs during this process activates the cleansing effect of the baking powder. Afterwards the teeth can be brushed with the baking powder. The direct contact between the surface of the teeth and the baking powder ensures that superficial discoloration is removed.

When using the baking powder regularly, however, it must be remembered that it not only leads to white teeth, but also removes parts of the tooth enamel. For this reason, regular use of baking powder can cause permanent damage to the enamel. In addition, the particles of baking powder cause severe irritation of the gums through friction. As a result, users often experience receding gums. You can find more information about baking powder at White teeth through baking powder