Professional approach | Professional dental cleaning

Professional approach

First, the tartar is removed above and below the gums using ultrasound and hand instruments. This may cause slight bleeding if the gums below the tartar have already become inflamed. This bleeding stops soon and the gums regenerate very quickly because the irritation caused by the tartar is no longer present.

The development of tartar varies greatly from one patient to another; in some patients it forms very quickly, in others very slowly. This may be related to the composition of the saliva. The soft plaque is thoroughly removed with rotating brushes and a grinding paste.

Special attention is also paid to areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush, such as interdental spaces or niches. In this way every single tooth is made absolutely free of plaque. Once tartar and plaque have been removed, each tooth is polished, because the smoother the tooth is, the harder it is for new plaque to adhere. Finally, it is recommended to treat the teeth with a fluoride gel or varnish.

Professional tooth cleaning with ultrasound

Deposits above or below the gums can be removed manually or with an ultrasound device, which is often used in cases of severe tartar build-up. Both the EMS device and the Cavitron are preferred. The tip of the device oscillates at a very high frequency (20 kHz) and “blows” the deposit off the teeth without damaging them. Caution should be exercised in patients with a pacemaker, as the use of ultrasound can impair the functionality of the pacemaker and is therefore contraindicated. or ultrasonic toothbrush

Is professional dental cleaning useful?

In general, professional teeth cleaning is useful for everyone from the age of 18. During the application, especially those areas are thoroughly cleaned which the patient can hardly reach. Tartar is removed above and below the gums, which is certainly relevant, since these deposits can cause generalized gingivitis, a so-called periodontitis.

The bacteria within the tartar inflame the gums around the tooth and can detach the bone, which can lead to tooth loosening and in the worst case to tooth loss. In addition, the bacteria from the oral cavity can get into the bloodstream and lead to heart and circulatory diseases. An inflammation of the inner skin of the heart, heart attack are possible secondary diseases that can be life-threatening.

Studies have already proven that regular professional tooth cleaning demonstrably reduces the risk of periodontitis and maintains dental health. Furthermore, discolorations caused by the consumption of coffee, tea, wine and nicotine can also be solved. As a result the teeth are aesthetically brightened.