Prognosis | Fracture of the femoral neck


In order to prevent a femoral neck fracture, the main cause, a general tendency to fall, must be eliminated or reduced, especially in older people. Besides circulatory problems that can lead to collapse, overdose or incorrect use of sleeping, pain or sedative drugs are also triggering factors for falls. Especially when medicating with many different drugs, the medication plan should be critically examined for interactions between the individual preparations.

If there is uncertainty about walking, the patient should be provided with walking aids and receive extensive training in their use, also in the home environment. The apartment must be examined in each individual case for accessibility and its suitability for the elderly resident and, if necessary, remodeled. Trained care personnel in home care often recognize “stumbling blocks” such as carpets or door thresholds and can help to make the everyday environment safe.

Especially for women in advanced age, a so-called bone density measurement is helpful to detect existing osteoporosis and to prevent its progression, e.g. by taking calcium and vitamin D preparations. Men also occasionally suffer from osteoporosis. In both sexes the disease can be promoted by taking certain medications.