Prognosis | Itchy liver spot


Since liver spots are usually harmless new formations, the prognosis of liver spots is usually good.If liver spots show changes, such as a change in shape, size or color, or if they begin to itch, weep, hurt or bleed, no statement can be made about the prognosis of the changed liver spot. Itching, painful, bleeding or changing in appearance can on the one hand indicate the development of a malignant cancer, the malignant melanoma (black skin cancer), but on the other hand these changes can also be of a completely harmless nature. For this reason it is necessary to examine the cells of the altered mole. If the altered mole shows healthy cells, the prognosis is good, but if it shows abnormal cells, the prognosis worsens. However, if the abnormal cells can be detected and removed early, there is a chance for complete healing.


The development of liver spots cannot be prevented. However, it is possible to reduce factors that can influence the development of liver spots or pathological changes of existing liver spots up to the development of malignant melanoma (black skin cancer). This includes in particular the reduction of UV radiation, which is considered to be a significant factor in the development of malignant melanoma.

The risk can be reduced by avoiding above-average sun exposure, as well as by avoiding the midday sun in summer, but also by avoiding sunbeds. Furthermore, suitable sun protection in the form of sun milk or protective clothing should be used. It has been shown that sunburn in childhood in particular increases the risk of malignant melanoma, so that special attention should be paid to the above-mentioned measures, especially in children.

Since the prognosis of early detected precancerous stages is significantly better, participation in regular skin cancer screening is also recommended. This early detection examination for skin cancer is offered every two years for people with statutory health insurance from the age of 35 and is financed by the health insurance companies. Persons whose family members already have malignant melanoma (black skin cancer) should take part in the annual skin cancer screening.

In addition, it is advisable to examine your own liver spots at regular intervals. In doing so, one can also proceed according to the ABCDE scheme, just like the dermatologist (dermatologist). It is important to recognize a mole that itches, bleeds, hurts, changes in shape, size or color and to interpret this as a warning signal. In any case, a dermatologist should then be consulted, even if not every mole that itches, bleeds or hurts, changes in shape, size or color is malignant.