Prophylaxis | Connective tissue weakness


Once the first signs of connective tissue weakness such as orange peel skin or stretch marks have appeared, their progression can be prevented relatively well with the above-mentioned means, but damage to the connective tissue that has already occurred is difficult to combat. If you know that your mother, aunt or grandmother suffers from a connective tissue weakness, it is advisable to prevent its occurrence with the above-mentioned options even before you discover the first signs on your own body. The most effective way to prevent connective tissue weakness is clearly regular sport and a healthy lifestyle with a varied, fresh diet and without alcohol or nicotine. Pregnant women can prevent stretch marks well by regularly massaging the affected areas with special oils during pregnancy. Pelvic floor training after giving birth strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, including the connective tissue holding and supporting structures, so that lowering of the pelvic floor can be prevented.


The predisposition of a weakness of the connective tissue is congenital and manifests itself in a variety of symptoms such as cellulite, stretch marks, a sagging breast, but also varicose veins or hernias and a prolapsed uterus. Almost every woman suffers from a weakness of the connective tissue at an advanced age. Overweight people, those with a genetic disposition or an unhealthy lifestyle can suffer from it at an early age.

A causal therapy is not possible, but good results can be achieved by changing one’s lifestyle and especially through sport. In addition, there is the option of having a plastic surgery tissue tightening performed. The advertised benefits of creams and other skin care products in the fight against cellulite can be considered limited.