Pulse | Fat Burning


One often hears of an optimal fat burning pulse. But this phenomenon cannot be explained as precisely as in the example above. In popular sports, for example, this particular fat burning pulse does not exist.

If you want to lose fat, it is not necessarily important at which pulse you choose the load, but that you can maintain the load over a longer period of time. In the first few seconds the energy supply is mainly carried by creatine phosphate and glycogen. Gradually, the fat metabolism then switches on and energy is gained from fat burning.

So the longer a strain lasts, the higher the share of fat burning in the energy supply. A longer load should therefore last at least 40 minutes, so that the fat burning gets a high proportion of the energy supply. Only with regular, prolonged exertion does the body get used to fat burning and can therefore use it effectively.

But not only the duration is an important influencing variable, but also the intensity. Very high strains require a fast and large energy supply, which is then often obtained mainly from carbohydrates. Important in this context, whether or not one can break down fat is also the subsequent nutrition of the athlete.

Carbohydrates can also be converted into fat by the body. If the carbohydrate stores are hardly taught after an exercise, everything superfluous is converted into fat. Therefore, it is better to consume carbohydrates before an exercise than afterwards.

After a training session, you should mainly rely on protein. It makes no sense to attribute fat burning to a certain pulse range only, since you should always look at the whole picture and, above all, include food in your planning. If you want to lose fat on your belly by a good fat burning, there are some rules to follow.

Only by abdominal muscle training you tighten your muscles and possibly train your six-pack, but the fat does not disappear directly. Even a reduction of food in general does not help much, because starvation slows down the metabolism and thus also hinders fat burning. Fat burning is influenced by factors such as diet, metabolic type, physical activity and state of health.

This could also be of interest to you: Which metabolic type am I? The first goal is to increase the energy turnover so that the energy requirement is higher than the energy supply.In addition one should drink sufficiently, take regular meals to itself and change above all in the evening instead of many coal hydrates to protein-rich food. In addition, one should do a combination of strength and cardio training to achieve effective fat burning.

Training builds muscle and more muscle mass provides a higher energy requirement and therefore more fat burning. Where exactly the body then breaks down the fat for burning, unfortunately, you can not directly influence. However, the body usually gets the fat where it is found the most. If someone has mainly fat pads on the abdomen, the body will first get the fat for burning there.