

A quark wrap usually consists of a cloth or paper towel onto which a little curd cheese is spread. The quark wrap is used similar to a cooling (or heating) battery. The aim is to relieve pain, reduce swelling or even have an anti-inflammatory effect when used cold. Especially in the case of muscle tensions, a quark wrap can also be used as a warming aid. With its simple application the quark wrap offers an excellent, almost side-effect free alternative to the classical cooling by cool packs.

How do quarkwraps work?

Quark wraps have two main mechanisms of action. The first and more important is the simple difference in temperature between the curd wrap and the skin. This effect comes to bear in both cooling and warming curd wraps.

Because the quark wrap is moist, the cold wrap is much more effective than the warm one. The moisture of the quark evaporates, which withdraws additional energy from the cold quark wrap and the skin and thus leads to a stronger cooling effect. The second mechanism of action is based on the various ingredients of the quark.

Above all, it contains enzymes that decompose the body’s inflammatory mediators. This results in the inhibition of inflammation, which also means a reduction in swelling and pain. The lactic acid bacteria present in the quark can also contribute to this process, as they use the body’s substances for their own metabolism.

However, this effect caused by the enzymes and bacteria is rather small. The skin forms a strong barrier against the penetration of such foreign substances, which is why only a small proportion of the active ingredients in the quark actually enters the body. This means that they can only exert their effect on the surface.

Instructions for the use of quark wrapping

For a quark wrap you need a cloth or paper towel (kitchen towels like Zewa also work!) and normal quark. The cloth is spread out, then you put a thin layer of quark on the middle of the cloth.

Then fold the corners over so that the curd is well wrapped and cannot penetrate to the outside. Afterwards the curd wrap can be used immediately. For warm use, the wrap must first be warmed up with a hot water bottle.

Attention! A microwave oven is not suitable, as the quark dries out very quickly. In order to let the effect of cold compresses unfold better, you should put the quark compress in the refrigerator for a short time.

There the quark can cool down a bit. It will also soak into the fabric or paper, which will enhance the cooling effect of moisture. Then place the quark wrap on the affected area and leave it there until it is as warm as the skin or the quark begins to dry.

If you are clever, you can prepare several quark wraps at once so that the wraps can be quickly replaced as soon as the first one has lost its cooling or warming effect. To prevent curd from spilling from the quark wrap onto clothing or furniture during use, a towel can also be placed underneath. After use, the curd wrap on paper can be simply disposed of in organic waste. You should scrape some curd off the cloth towel before you put it into the laundry.