What are the side effects? | Quarkwrap

What are the side effects?

No side effects are known for the use of quark compresses, as long as the compresses are used for the correct indications. Therefore only a wrong application leads to complications. It is important that quark compresses are not used on open wounds.

These can be inflamed by the lactic acid bacteria, which counteracts the actually intended effect of the quark wrap. In case of circulatory disorders, heat and cold applications should generally be avoided on affected parts of the body, this also applies to the quark compresses. The body is not able to warm up or cool down such parts of the body due to the low blood circulation, which can lead to tissue damage.

In addition, a lack of blood circulation often causes pre-damage to the nerves, which is why affected persons do not always feel whether a heat/cold application has an appropriate temperature or whether it is actually too hot/cold and thus immediately damages the skin. One should be careful with the quark compresses also in case of fever. Cooling compresses may only be used in case of fever if the hands and feet are still warm.

If they are cold, this indicates that the body cannot produce enough energy to maintain the required body temperature. Cooling compresses would reduce the fever, but it would also disable the body’s protective function, which would lead to a flare-up of the underlying disease (usually infection with viruses or bacteria).