Schüssler Salt No. 5: Potassium Phosphoricum


The fifth salt in the Schüssler salt series is potassium phosphate. It is considered to be a “nerve salt” and is used especially for nervous or psychological complaints. These include, for example, states of exhaustion, lack of drive or even depression, but also lack of concentration.

It can also be used as a support in case of an increased strain on the thinking process. In addition, it works on the muscle cells and can help with muscular diseases or muscle pain. It is often especially recommended for paralysis of all kinds.

However, if these paralysis symptoms occur again, a doctor should be consulted first, as this symptom cannot always be attributed to a lack of potassium phosphate. In addition, muscle pain must be distinguished from pain of other causes, such as joint pain. Because of the effect that is mainly aimed at the nervous system, it is recommended to take it during the day, as otherwise sleep disturbances may be an undesirable side effect.

Fields of application

The areas of application of the fifth Schüssler salt primarily include complaints of the nervous system, both psychological and physical. These are specifically depressive states, which are accompanied by exhaustion, listlessness, pessimism and depression. Potassium phosphoricum can also be helpful in anxiety disorders.

In children and adolescents it offers support in the treatment of lack of concentration, also in the context of ADHD or ADHD. In these cases, however, it should not replace the prescribed medication without consultation with the treating physician. A further area of application is the effect of potassium phosphate on the muscle cells: It is recommended for muscular-nervous complaints such as an irritable bowel, cramps or weakness after physical exertion. Potassium phosphate can also be used as an adjuvant to medical treatment for chronic heart problems or signs of paralysis.

Drug picture

With the Schüssler salts one recognizes – similar to homeopathy – a person who needs a salt by certain external and personal characteristics. However, the so-called face analysis makes up the majority of the external characteristics. Face analysis means that the features can be found in the face.

These features are facial features that are sunken in potassium phosphoricum and gray skin, especially around the eyes. In the oral cavity, the features are a brownish coated tongue, inflamed gums (periodontosis) and possibly bad breath. In general, the face of such a person looks tired, exhausted and sometimes unkempt to the observer.

Also with the psychological, character characteristics the exhaustion and dejection of the person concerned is mainly noticeable. These people are mostly pessimistic, melancholy and unintelligent. They seem to lack self-confidence, adaptability and stamina. Often the affected people live in a rather urban environment where negative environmental influences such as exhaust fumes, noise or (electro-)smog can be found.