Scratching in the neck

Definition – What is meant by scratching the neck?

Scratching in the throat is an unpleasant sensation that occurs mainly when swallowing and can be accompanied by swallowing difficulties or hoarseness. Scratching in the throat often precedes a cold or flu, but it can also be caused by an allergic reaction or heartburn.


In most cases a scratching in the throat is harmless. Often, the scratching is followed by a flu-like infection or a simple sore throat. As long as the complaints are not too bad, no doctor needs to be consulted.

It is sufficient if the affected persons take care of themselves, drink enough and possibly take pain-relieving medication. However, if high fever or severe pain occurs, a doctor should be consulted. Even if an allergic reaction or food intolerance is suspected, it is advisable to see a doctor.

A general practitioner, ENT doctor or dermatologist can perform an allergy test and diagnose any intolerances. If the scratching in the throat is due to an irritation (e.g. from cigarette smoke), those affected should simply avoid the irritation. It also helps to drink a lot of liquid and thus keep the pharyngeal mucosa moist.

A moist mucous membrane remains intact and pathogens have a harder time settling. In the case of a chesty cough, there are a number of home remedies as well as various medications that effectively relieve the coughing irritation. These are cough suppressants (antitussives), which are used to relieve dry coughs and are available without prescription in every pharmacy.

When a scratchy throat occurs, many people first take one of the most popular household remedies – a cup of hot tea. Especially well suited are soothing herbal teas such as chamomile, sage or peppermint. The warming liquid and the aromatic oils it contains soothe sore throats and moisten the mucous membranes of the throat.

The tea can also be used for steam inhalation. For this, the hot tea is placed in a bowl and inhaled under a cloth. Alternatively, hot salt water can also be used.

Another well-known household remedy for neck scratches is ginger. Ginger is characterized by a fruity pungency and has a healing effect. Freshly pureed or cut into thin slices, ginger can be infused with lemon juice and hot water and drunk as tea.

It is best to sweeten the drink with honey, which also has an antibacterial effect. If you have a scratchy throat, it is important to moisten the mucous membrane sufficiently. Besides drinking a lot, it also helps to suck cough sweets, because this stimulates the flow of saliva in the mouth.

It also helps to keep the throat warm (e.g. with a scarf or a warm cherry pit cushion) and to take it easy on yourself. The room climate should contain sufficient air humidity, otherwise the pharyngeal mucosa can dry out further. Electric room humidifiers or wet towels over the radiators can increase the humidity in the living rooms.

If you have a scratchy throat, homeopathy can also be used. Depending on the cause and accompanying symptoms, there are a number of active ingredients that can be taken. Among the active ingredients are belladonna, Barium carbonicum, Apis mellifica and Nux vomica. A specialist in homeopathy or a pharmacist will advise the patient individually which globules are best suited for sore throats or swallowing difficulties.