Shivering: Musculature Out of Control

The chills (febris undularis) is a feeling of external and internal cold, which is accompanied by muscle tremors and often accompanies fever. Chills strongly resemble cold tremors of skeletal muscles for increased heat production. In shivering, mainly the large muscles, that is, the thigh muscles and the back muscles, as well as the chewing muscles contract very quickly and then slacken again. In this way, the body wants to produce heat.

Shivering as a symptom

The healthy body is able to maintain 37 degrees Celsius by means of normal metabolism. As a result of an infection, however, inflammatory substances can increase the set point of the body’s core temperature via the heat regulation center in the hypothalamus of the brain. Then additional heat must be produced – precisely by shivering. This “muscle tremor“, which lasts for several minutes and takes the form of spurts, cannot be influenced voluntarily. There are actually no symptoms of shivering in this sense, since the shivering itself is a symptom. There are, however, accompanying symptoms. Because of the muscular activity, shivering is associated with great effort for the body. Therefore, an episode of chills is often accompanied by severe sleepiness. In addition, chills and fever paired with headache and aching limbs occur especially during a flu-like infection.

The causes of chills

Chills occur in the context of febrile infectious diseases. This may be a cold or the flu (influenza). Because fever easily rises quickly in children, they are also more likely to have chills. However, chills can also occur as a result of the following illnesses:

  • Pneumonia
  • Scarlet fever
  • Blood poisoning
  • Erysipelas
  • Tetanus (tetanus)
  • Typhoid paired with severe diarrhea
  • Renal pelvic inflammation
  • Inflammation of the epididymis
  • Prostatitis
  • Fungal poisoning

Those who have been in a tropical country must remember that chills can also occur as a result of malaria, yellow fever, anthrax and smallpox. Even acute glaucoma, which is a sudden and sharp increase in intraocular pressure, heat stroke and sunstroke can cause chills without fever. Chills-like symptoms can occur with withdrawal or hyperthyroidism.

Chills – what to do?

If it is certain that chills are the result of a cold or flu, for the most part, it is not necessary to see a doctor about chills. However, the flu itself may require a visit to the doctor. For all other causes, however, it makes sense to see a doctor. He will first clarify what the causes are through anamnesis, blood tests, listening to the lungs and palpation of the lymph nodes and, if necessary, examinations with imaging techniques. Then appropriate treatment can be given.

Chills associated with a cold

If it is a cold or flu, then home remedies such as hot baths, warming teas and cold calf compresses (against the fever) help or the patient is covered with several blankets to make a sweating cure. If necessary, use an analgesic and antipyretic medication for severe symptoms. In addition to conventional medicines, homeopathic home remedies can also be used. For example, Aconitum napelles (blue monkshood, aconite) D200, Belladonna (belladonna) D200 – especially also for pounding headaches in combination with fever and chills – and a specially prepared bark of the red cinchona tree are suitable as fever-reducing measures for chills and fever.

Chills due to infection

If it is an infectious disease and the pathogen has already been determined by the doctor, it is usually necessary to take an antibiotic in case of a bacterial pathogen. Usually, in case of severe symptoms and chills with fever, an analgesic and antipyretic medication is necessary. If it is glaucoma, then it is essential to treat the underlying disease quickly, that is, the eye pressure must be lowered immediately.

Chills in heat stroke or sunstroke.

If it is a heat stroke or sunstroke, for example, accompanied by severe headache, nausea and / or vomiting, then the body must be cooled.Home remedies such as cold towels, baths and calf wraps are suitable for this purpose. Adequate fluid intake should be ensured, with drinks as rich in minerals as possible to compensate for any loss of electrolytes.

Prevent chills

There are no preventive measures against chills – apart from everything that serves to strengthen the immune system, such as sufficient sleep, a healthy diet, toughening up and avoiding chronic stress.