Shockwave therapy | Treatment of bursitis of the elbow

Shockwave therapy

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy represents an alternative therapeutic approach. Here, shock waves are irradiated from outside onto the affected bursa at the elbow in order to eliminate the pain, but also to loosen any calcifications in and around the bursa.


Sometimes pain can still occur in the elbow even after the inflammation has subsided. This is often due to the bursa being filled with too much fluid that cannot drain away, thus restricting movement or pressing on nerves. If this is the case, the excess water must be removed by the doctor with a puncture. Since such a puncture can also allow bacteria to enter the bursa, the procedure must be carried out under perfect hygienic conditions. In addition, a pressure bandage must be applied afterwards to prevent the bursa from being filled again with too much fluid.


For example, if the bursitis is caused by an open injury such as a fall or stabbing, the inflammation is often septic, which means that it is caused by bacteria. In the case of septic bursitis, the bursa in the elbow must be surgically opened for therapy so that the fluid and pus can drain from the bursa. In addition, a drug therapy with a suitable antibiotic is recommended. As a rule, it is not necessary to remove the bursa completely. However, if there is no improvement after a longer period of time, usually two to three months, a removal of the bursa (bursectomy) can be considered.


For completeness, the bursitis in the elbow can also be treated homeopathically or with home remedies. As so often, the effectiveness of these remedies often depends on the conviction of the user. From a homeopathic point of view, the use of Traumeel® in combination with Arnica drops can be useful.

In homeopathic circles, ointments such as Zeel or Lymphdiaral Drainage Ointment have also proven to be effective. In case of longer lasting inflammations the use of leeches can also be discussed. An old household remedy, which focuses on cooling as well as immobilising the affected bursa at the elbow, is the application of a night-time bandage with curd cheese.In order to prevent the bursitis from becoming chronic, sport should be started again slowly after healing and freedom from symptoms. The exact length of the break can only be determined individually with a doctor and physiotherapist.