Side effect | Ritalin

Side effect

At this point, we will only mention a few of the side effects that we consider to be the most important. There are various side effects that occur during the course of therapy but can also disappear again. These include sleep disorders, loss of appetite and possible stomach problems.

In particular sleep disturbances are based frequently on the Rebound – effects, which can be caused by the decreasing effect of the medicines. In the context of the Ritalintherapie it can come by the stimulating effect of the medicine to partial increased blood pressure values and pulse frequencies. Dry mouth, diarrhea and/or constipation, weight loss, joint pain and allergic reactions (rash, itching) are also possible.

In some cases the motor function is impaired (disturbance of the movement sequences). Since growth retardation and weight loss can occasionally occur during long-term therapy, it is recommended that both values be checked, for example by regular weighing and measuring, possibly also during a doctor’s check-up. In particular, an overdose of the drug can lead to overexcitation of the central nervous system (= CNS), furthermore, cramps, as well as muscle twitches, cardiac arrhythmia, sweating (fever, hot flushes) are possible.

Since a sudden discontinuation of the medication can cause rebound effects, which can lead to circulatory disorders, depression, emotional upset, ravenous appetite attacks and enormous sleep requirements, a medication may only be discontinued by a doctor. The same applies to increasing or decreasing dosages. This belongs in the hands of an experienced doctor!


There is a possibility of interaction with drugs administered to treat hypotension (= low blood pressure). In addition, interactions with drugs used in epilepsy therapy (carbamazepine) are possible. Ritalin can inhibit the breakdown of anticoagulants, schizophrenia drugs, or antidepressants, so that this must be taken into account urgently with regard to dosage when taking it at the same time. Ritalin must not be taken during a therapy with MAO inhibitors (MAO = monoaminooxidase; antidepressants), or after a therapy with these preparations (at least two-week interval between the intake of both preparations).