Side effects | Prospan

Side effects

Very rarely allergic reactions (shortness of breath, swelling, reddening of the skin, itching) occur. In less than 1 in 100 cases, gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea occur. The ingredient sorbitol may have a laxative effect under certain circumstances. A doctor should be consulted if side effects occur.


No interaction studies were performed. However, the risk of interactions with other drugs is considered to be low. However, the doctor should be informed about the use of Prospan® when prescribing other drugs.

Alternative herbal medicines

There are a number of similar ivy-based herbal medicines. These include, to name but a few, Bronchofit Ivy+Cough Mite® from the company Hübner Naturarzneimittel GmbH), Bronchoforton®Lutschpastil (Winthrop Arzneimittel GmbH), Bronchostad®Cough Remover (Stadativa GmbH), Ivy 1A Pharma®Cough Juice, Hedelix®Cough Juice (Krewel Meuselbach GmbH), Sinuc®(HEXAL AG). In the case of respiratory tract diseases, however, other alternative medicines are also used individually, such as thyme and eucalyptus extracts (active ingredient: cineol).

Other medical applications of ivy

Ivy is not only used for various respiratory diseases. Hippocrates, the “father of medicine” (460 to 370 B.C. ), already recognized the general healing effect of ivy.

Doctors and monks from southern French provinces revived the old knowledge in the Middle Ages and into the 16th century and recognized that people who drank their milk from a bowl of ivy or ate from ivy spoons had fewer respiratory diseases. Throughout the history of medicine, the plant was used for all kinds of problems. According to Osiander, it helps against corns, for example.

According to Janson it is a good wound healing remedy. Bock and Matthiolus conjured up its stone-driving effect (gallstones).In 1921, Schulz described a vasodilating and heartbeat-lowering effect, as well as a destruction of the red blood cells (hemolysis). The influence on the blood vessels explains the popular use for menstrual problems and chronic respiratory catarrh (inflammation of the mucous membranes).

It also has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. Ivy can also be used externally. Ivy compresses or ivy poultices can be applied to wounds, ulcers or pain. Alternatively ivy can be used as a bath additive.