Diagnosis | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?


The diagnosis is first made by taking a medical history followed by a physical examination. Muscle tension can often be detected by inspecting the relieving postures and palpating the tense and hardened muscles. Acute complaints of the vertebral bodies or intervertebral discs must also be confirmed by radiological imaging.

In the case of potential fractures or bony changes in the vertebrae, the X-ray or CT image is suitable for diagnosing the disease. If nerves or other soft tissues are involved, an MRI examination should be carried out, as non-bony tissue can be depicted very well. Potential diseases of the internal organs can first be depicted using an ultrasound device. If the suspicion is confirmed, further specific diagnostic procedures may be necessary. You will find detailed information under MRI of the cervical spine.


As a rule, a burning sensation in the neck is harmless and does not require specific causal therapy. Since it is often a muscular discomfort, symptomatic treatments are sufficient to alleviate the discomfort, avoid relieving postures and allow healing. Primarily painkillers from the NSAID group can be used for this purpose.

These include ibuprofen or diclofenac. Furthermore, light physiotherapeutic measures are recommended, as well as constant exercise and sporting activity to strengthen the neck muscles and avoid tension. In addition, heat therapy, massages, acupuncture and progressive muscle relaxation are often used.

Exercise therapies, muscle building, ergonomic chairs and suitable mattresses can also prevent neck burning. Even in the case of diseases of the intervertebral discs, pain-relieving and muscle-building treatments are given priority. Only in rare cases, especially when nerves are involved, can surgical interventions become necessary. Exercises for the neck can help to strengthen the muscles and release tension. You can find an overview of helpful topics in our article Neck School.


The duration of the firing depends on the cause and severity of the underlying problem. In most cases, however, the burning will subside within a few days. Tension often loosens by itself if the protection is maintained.

However, the exact duration can vary by days to weeks depending on the severity of the hardening and tension. Chronic complaints in the cervical spine are rare, but increase due to increasing lack of movement and office work. The complaints can persist for months and can also be resistant to medication.

The best method of long-term and permanent prevention of spinal column complaints consists of balanced movement with light muscle building. You can find more information about neck complaints or help here: All information from the field of orthopaedics can also be found under Orthopaedics A-Z. – Neck muscle training

  • Neck School
  • Relax the neck
  • Stiff neck
  • Inflammation of cervical vertebrae