Therapy duration | Torn rotator cuff – physiotherapy, exercises and healing

Therapy duration

The duration of the therapy depends on the extent of the injury and the treatment. After arthroscopic refixation, the arm is placed in an abduction cushion for 6 weeks and may only be mobilized up to 90°. Accordingly, the therapy takes at least 3 months to achieve a complete range of motion and freedom from symptoms.

With conservative therapy, the duration depends on the healing process. The chances of success with a torn tendon are very good and can be positively supported by various techniques in physiotherapy. However, the tendon heals at different rates in each patient, so that the duration of therapy cannot be generalized.

Duration of healing

How long the healing of a rotator cuff rupture takes depends on the wound healing care, treatment and consistency of the patient. If the doctor detects a large rupture of the tendon, it is surgically fixed and the patient must follow the doctor’s treatment plan. In the first 6 weeks, it is usually necessary to wear an abduction pillow and the movement may only be performed with the help of a therapist.

If the patient moves too early and alone, rupture or delayed wound healing may occur. Young, healthy patients are assumed to have normal, fast wound healing, so that treatment may be carried out after the wound has healed. Therefore, in the first few weeks it should be strictly observed not to strain too much, as the tissue is not strong enough.

With a conservative treatment method, it is important that the patient also reduces the strain on the arm in everyday life, so that the physiotherapeutic intervention can achieve success. It is important to move in the pain-free area and to treat possible irritated tendons. Likewise, the entire scapula-thoracic transition should be considered, since restricted shoulder blade movement inhibits the physiological movement of the shoulder.

An appropriate exercise program is created in which the patient can train the corresponding weak muscles. It is not possible to say in general how long the complete healing process will take in the end. However, the complete ability to bear weight is scheduled after half a year at the earliest.

  • From the proliferation phase (from day 5), the collagen fibers are converted to something stronger and, at the latest from the consolidation phase (from day 21), they become increasingly firm.