Signs of chronic tonsillitis | Symptoms of tonsillitis

Signs of chronic tonsillitis

However, the type and severity of symptoms differ between acute and chronic tonsillitis. If the inflammation is chronic, the symptoms occur in a much less severe form. Tonsilitis is called chronic if it lasts longer than 3 months or if an acute inflammation occurs several times a year.

The chronic manifestation is usually indirectly noticeable by an increased susceptibility to infection and a general feeling of weakness. Slight scratching of the throat and swollen lymph nodes may be symptoms. In many cases, a bad taste in the mouth is perceived.

Bad breath, which can only be relieved for a short time by brushing the teeth, may be the only sign of chronic tonsillitis. Thus, the diagnosis of the chronic variant can take some time because of the unspecific symptoms, often the decisive therapy is the surgical removal of the tonsils. Acute tonsillitis, however, is easy to recognize in its entirety of symptoms and heals well under antibiotic therapy.