Diagnostics | Arthritis diagnosis and treatment


Many things can be helpful in the diagnosis. First of all, a detailed anamnesis should be taken, in which previous illnesses and operations are discussed. In addition, a mobility test of the joint and a pain anamnesis should be performed.

It is possible that the examination may be followed by a joint effusion, which means that there is too much fluid that should not normally be there. In this case a joint puncture, for example a knee puncture, can be performed. The fluid obtained can then be examined for possible causes such as bacteria.

In addition, red and white blood cells can be determined, which can also point to the cause. In this way, even a removal of the synovial fluid without prior effusion can provide clues to the cause. Furthermore, in the case of an inflammation in the joint, blood values can also be changed in general, which is why a blood sample is part of the diagnosis, whereby inflammation values can be determined. Imaging procedures such as X-rays are also used for diagnostics.


In general, elevating or cooling the affected joint is helpful in acute inflammation. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac can also be taken. Furthermore, anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroids can be helpful.

It is important, however, that the correct treatment of the joint inflammation can only be carried out with the correct diagnosis. Thus one needs with an infectious arthritis a medicine against the causative agent like e.g. antibiotics the rheumatoid arthritis or the arthritis due to another basic illness conditionally additionally to the therapy against the acute inflammation a therapy of the basic illness. In homeopathy, many different medicines can be used to treat joint inflammation.

Belladonna D12 should be used for highly painful, throbbing, severely reddened joint inflammation with severe overheating. If the pain in the joint is more prickly and the redness less pronounced and if the pain can be alleviated by cool compresses, Apis D12 can be used. Other possible preparations are Bryonia D12 for severe pain even with the slightest movements and Arnica D12 for rather dull pain of the inflamed joint.

In order to prevent arthritis, it is of course first of all important to adequately treat any existing underlying diseases that may cause joint inflammation. During operations and open wounds, the tissue should always be kept as germ-free as possible. In addition, regular exercise, which does not put too much strain on the joints (such as swimming or walking), generally has a positive effect on them.