Skin rash from strawberries


A skin rash from strawberries usually occurs shortly after eating the fruit. It is a food allergy that leads to itchy wheals of the skin after eating strawberries. In addition, other typical allergy symptoms such as abdominal pain or a tingling sensation and swelling in the mouth and throat area can occur.


A skin rash from strawberries is due to a food allergy. Strawberries contain certain proteins (allergens) that cause a defensive reaction in some people (allergy sufferers) (allergic reaction). The release of certain messenger substances such as histamine leads to typical reactions such as itchy skin rash in the form of volatile red wheals. The symptoms usually appear a few minutes after eating the fruit. In addition, a number of other, sometimes dangerous, symptoms typical for this type of allergy can occur.

Strawberry allergy

The term strawberry allergy describes a food allergy to strawberries. It occurs more frequently in people who suffer from other allergic diseases (e.g. neurodermatitis, allergic asthma, hay fever, pollen allergy). It is a type I reaction, i.e. an allergic reaction of the immediate type.

Accordingly, the symptoms usually occur just a few minutes after eating strawberries. The strawberries contain certain proteins that cause a defence reaction in allergy sufferers. This means that certain people are hypersensitive to a harmless and non-toxic food.

The allergic reaction often causes an itchy rash in the form of volatile, wandering wheals (similar to the rash after touching a nettle). There may also be a tingling or furry feeling in the lips, mouth or throat. Abdominal pain and nausea are also possible. In rare cases, more threatening reactions such as shortness of breath or a drop in blood pressure may occur.

Diagnosis of a strawberry allergy

To prove an allergy to strawberries, a dietary diary can be kept first. Typical reactions after consumption of the fruit already give a strong indication of an allergy. In addition, protein components of the strawberries can be injected under the skin (intracutaneous test) and thus hypersensitivity can be detected by means of a developing wheal.

Special antibodies against the components of strawberries can also be detected in a blood sample. However, the provocation test is considered the gold standard for the detection of food allergies. In this test, the strawberries are placed in the mouth (under supervision) and any allergic symptoms (tingling, rash, swelling in the mouth) are observed. As an increase, the strawberries can be consumed under medical supervision and the symptoms observed.