Sport after a rib fracture


Rib fractures are painful and long lasting injuries. Healing usually takes about six weeks, but for complicated fractures it can take up to 12 weeks. Pain may persist until healing is complete. Sport should not be started too early after a rib fracture, as there is a risk of renewed injury, especially in contact sports.

When can I do sports again after a broken rib?

How long after a rib fracture no more sport is done usually depends on the severity of the fracture and on the characteristics of the affected person. Smaller rib fractures are usually treated conservatively, i.e. without surgery or other interventions. They are often accompanied by no further consequences.

The healing time for such fractures is usually four to six weeks. During this healing period, sports should be avoided to guarantee an undisturbed healing of the fracture. An early start of sports can delay the healing process or cause further complications.

For example, a small fracture that has only cracked could break completely if it is exposed again and lead to lung disorders. Therefore, contact sports such as martial arts or similar are especially forbidden. In the case of severe rib fractures, where a serial fracture of the ribs or an injury to the lungs has occurred, the healing time can be longer.

In these cases, however, no more sports should be done until the rib fractures are completely healed. After the 4-6 weeks, light sport can be resumed after consultation with the doctor. However, heavy physical activity and work should be avoided.

Cycling, stretching exercises or swimming are suitable for a slow return to sport. With the help of a physiotherapist, suitable stretching and strengthening exercises can be worked out for the beginning. However, if symptoms occur, the sporting activity should be stopped immediately. The use of protectors or kinesio-tapes can also help during sports activity, also to reduce future complaints.