Standard values | Hemoglobin

Standard values

The standard values for hemoglobin concentration differ from child to adult, but also between men and women. Reference ranges are 12.9-16.2 g/dl for adult males, 12-16 g/dl for females and 19 g/dl for neonates. In this range are 96% of all values of healthy persons.

However, when symptoms of anemia become noticeable varies from person to person. In everyday clinical practice, treatment is also made dependent on the clinical picture. Not every value outside the reference range indicates an actual disease or anaemia.

Hemoglobin Synthesis

Mature erythrocytes no longer have a cell nucleus and are therefore no longer able to produce proteins. The hemoglobin present in the red blood cells is therefore produced during the maturation of these in the stage of the erythroblasts (preliminary stage of the red blood cells). As described above, hemoglobin consists of proteins and heme molecules, which are produced separately and then joined together.

It is important to note that both iron and vitamin B6 are needed for heme synthesis, i.e. production. This explains why a deficiency of these substances can lead to anaemia.