Stress during Pregnancy: When it Becomes Too Much

Child development

During the relatively short period of pregnancy, a fertilized egg grows into a highly developed child. During this time – about 40 weeks – the head, trunk, arms and legs are formed, as well as all organs such as the heart, kidneys and brain. Development is coordinated and guided by the blueprint in the child’s genome. The unborn child receives all the necessary substances such as nutrients, hormones and antibodies from the mother.

Stress during pregnancy – in addition to other factors – can influence this fetal development.

Stress during pregnancy – what happens in the body

When we are in a stressful situation, the body releases more of various stress hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine or precursors of the hormone cortisol. As a result, heart rate and blood pressure as well as breathing increase, the muscles tense up, and digestive activity is reduced.

Mild stress during pregnancy is not dangerous

The child growing in the womb can sense these changes. For example, the fetal heartbeat accelerates shortly after that of the mother. There is a good reason for this: researchers suspect that mild stress not only does not harm the child, but may even promote it. The child’s physical maturation, motor skills and mental abilities seem to improve.

Mild stress is therefore not harmful to the child. However, it is still advisable to recognize the triggers of stress during pregnancy and to counteract them.

Too much stress can be harmful

The following psychological stresses can have a negative impact on the child:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety, including pregnancy-related anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • problematic life circumstances such as problems in the partnership, emotional or physical violence
  • other traumatic experiences such as assaults, terrorist attacks or natural disasters

However, many children are also born healthy whose mothers suffered from severe emotional stress in the previous nine months. This means that severe stress during pregnancy can, but does not have to, have health consequences for the child.

If you suffer from severe anxiety or stress during pregnancy, or if you are unable to overcome a traumatic experience, seek help from a doctor or trained therapist.

Psychotropic drugs during pregnancy

You should therefore consult your doctor about which medications you can take despite your pregnancy and which should be discontinued or replaced with an alternative preparation to be on the safe side. He will also be able to give you recommendations and support options for the time during and after pregnancy.

Avoiding stress during pregnancy

Stress during pregnancy is allowed, but it should not become a habit or take on too much proportions. Therefore, learn to recognize the triggers such as noise or too many demands in your professional or private life and counteract them. Learn to say “no” or delegate tasks. Pay attention to your body’s signs: if it’s tired, it needs a break. Allow yourself and the child these breaks. Relaxation exercises such as yoga, tai chi or meditation also help to relieve stress during pregnancy.