Stretching exercises – hip | Stretching exercises and their use in physiotherapy

Stretching exercises – hip

The adductors are responsible for moving the thigh in the hip joint inwards towards the body. To stretch the adductors, stand significantly further than hip width during this stretching exercise and make sure that you do not slip on the floor unintentionally. Both feet should point forward. Now bend your left knee and shift your body weight to the left to achieve a stretching sensation on the inside of the right leg.

Stretching exercise – neck

Who does not know tension of the neck muscles (trapezius& levator scapulae)? We often unconsciously pull up our shoulders in stressful situations and thereby get neck tension. The sitting position in the car or at work can also be the cause.

You can stretch the neck muscles either sitting or standing. In this stretching exercise, you sit/stand upright and move your left ear towards your left shoulder to stretch your right neck. Both shoulders remain at the same level.

To increase the stretch, you can grasp your right temple with your left hand and gently increase the pull while actively pulling your right shoulder towards the floor. From this position you can try out whether you feel a stronger feeling of stretching when you look down about 45° to the left and up about 45° to the right. Depending on which muscles are more tense, one position will feel more intense for you. You should preferably stretch this position. More stretching exercises can be found in the article: What is the best way to stretch the cervical spine?

Stretching exercise tennis elbow

Whoever suffers from “tennis elbow”, today also called “mouse hand”, has a problem with the hand extensors on the outer elbow. To stretch them, stretch your right arm at shoulder level in front of your body and hold the back of your right hand with your left hand. Now gently pull the palm of your hand towards your body until you feel a stretching sensation and keep your elbow stretched in the meantime.

Try out for yourself if the feeling of stretching or its localization changes if you also try to clench your fingers to your fist. This will allow you to address different muscles in the group. The arm can also be stretched close to the body towards the floor instead of forward at shoulder height.