Stretching exercises – torso | Stretching exercises and their use in physiotherapy

Stretching exercises – torso

The straight abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis) approach the ribs and the pubic bone, as is often the case in the seat. To stretch them during this stretching exercise, lie on your stomach and position your hands under your shoulders. With actively tensed buttock muscles you now push yourself upwards.

The pelvis remains on the floor and the upper body is straightened, similar to the “Cobra exercise” from yoga. Do this stretching exercise only if you do not feel any pain in your lower back! The back extensors (Erector spinae) are often very tense and can be relaxed with a light stretching exercise.

To do this, sit on the floor and place the soles of your feet together. The angle of the knee joints should be greater than 90°, otherwise the movement may be inhibited by other muscles.Grasp your feet with both hands and tense your abdominal muscles while rounding your back until you feel a stretching sensation. The head may hang loosely between the shoulders.

The lateral trunk flexor (Quadratus lumborum) is a short muscle that runs between the lower ribs and the iliac crest. In order to stretch this muscle, first stand with your back against a free wall that is intended to help you. Do not stand any further than hip-wide with contact to the wall.

The right arm is stretched upwards as an extension of the body and the left arm moves close to the trouser seam towards the floor until you feel a feeling of stretching. Your whole body now forms a crescent. It is important that both feet keep contact with the floor.

Press your right heel firmly into the ground and push your pelvis to the right side, while your right arm moves to the upper left. Do not collapse on your left side during the stretching exercise. Protect your lumbar spine by maintaining your abdominal tension.

Stretching exercises – chest

The chest muscles (pectoralis minor et major) are shortened with every sitting activity. It pulls the shoulder forward and can promote shoulder problems. To stretch them, stand diagonally in front of a wall during this stretching exercise, stretch your right upper arm at shoulder level and angle your elbow 90°. Now place your forearm against the wall and slowly turn your entire body to the left until you feel a feeling of stretching. Be careful not to pull your shoulder towards your ear to avoid neck tension.