Symptoms | Abscess in the jaw


In the early stages of an abscess, the person affected is usually free of symptoms. When the accumulation of pus has reached a certain level, it breaks through into the neighbouring tissue. There the pus empties.

In this stage, the affected person may notice a swollen cheek and/or swollen oral mucosa. The swelling is usually reddened, warmed and painful. If the upper jaw is affected, swelling of the eyes may occur.

If the lower jaw is affected, it may be difficult to open the mouth. This can make it difficult to speak and eat. The collection of pus can spread and damage surrounding nerves and muscles.

This can lead to further movement restrictions and tingling or numbness. In addition, the inflammatory processes in the body can lead to a general feeling of illness and exhaustion. If pus leaks into the oral cavity, it can lead to a foul-smelling and a foul-tasting smell and taste.

Gangrene usually causes unpleasant bad breath. If the abscess progresses or is not treated, fever may develop. In this context fever is a sign that the bacteria have reached the blood.

A doctor must be consulted at this time at the latest. This is because blood poisoning can occur, with corresponding complaints and complications. If blood poisoning is not treated, it is fatal. Furthermore, this topic might interest you: Oral decay and symptoms of abscesses. You may also be interested in this subject: Mouth rot and symptoms of abscesses

Abscess of the upper jaw

The causes of a maxillary abscess have already been described above. With an abscess of the upper jaw, the upper part of the face, including the eyes, can be affected. It can lead to excessive pain, swelling, redness and overheating.

The pain may radiate to the nose, cheeks, temples, forehead and eyes. If the swelling is very severe, it may be difficult to open the eye on the affected side. Accordingly, visual performance may be impaired.

The pain is often strong and pulsating. The abscess should be treated as soon as possible. Fever is an alarm signal.

Abscess of the lower jaw

The causes of a mandibular abscess were also explained above. In the case of a lower jaw abscess, swallowing difficulties can also occur. The affected person may have difficulty opening the mouth.

This problem is known as a mandibular abscess. In the case of a lower jaw abscess, food intake is often increasingly restricted. The area can be very sensitive to touch.

Eating and drinking, brushing teeth, swallowing and speaking can be difficult. Some affected persons also react sensitively to drafts. Weight loss may occur.

Even with a lower jaw abscess, the pain may radiate to the lower part of the face, towards the chin and towards the ear. Here too, it is important to act as quickly as possible and contact a dentist. If painkillers are taken temporarily, it should be remembered that they do not eliminate the cause. Medical treatment is absolutely necessary.