Symptoms of finger furuncle | Boils on the finger

Symptoms of finger furuncle

In addition to pain, redness, swelling and overheating, accompanying symptoms can also occur. Finger furuncle can lead to restrictions of the finger functions. Gripping, fine motor and graphomotor activities may be restricted and painful.

The pain can manifest itself as a feeling of tension or as severe pain when touched or pressed. If the finger furuncle bursts open, pus is released. This pus is usually yellowish and can leave an unpleasant smell.

It can also lead to a general feeling of illness, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, fever and chills. Fever is a sign that the bacteria have entered the bloodstream. As a result there is a risk of blood poisoning.

In this case a doctor must be contacted immediately. Overall, complications with finger furuncles are rare. However, when they do occur, they show certain symptoms and must be treated and treated quickly. Emergency medical assistance is required in cases of drowsiness, shock and circulatory failure.

Therapy options

The treatment of a finger furuncle depends on the size and individual factors. It is important that no self-treatment, in the sense of expressing the furuncle, is performed. At best, the furuncle is not touched at all.

The basis of the treatment of a finger furuncle is appropriate hand hygiene. Moist heat and warm compresses support the opening of a mature furuncle. If the pus does not empty by itself, in some cases a stab incision must be made by a doctor.

This means that the finger furuncle must be opened surgically.If there is an indication for it, it is usually a minor procedure. It can often be performed under local anesthesia. Only in some cases a general anesthesia is necessary.

Antibiotic and antiseptic ointments are advisable for follow-up treatment. If the bacteria have already spread via the blood or lymphatic system, oral antibiotics must be taken for at least a week. Get more information about the type and use of ointments in case of boils.

Furthermore, it is important to relieve the affected finger. The effect of Ichythyol absorbent cotton bandages is controversial. In case of recurring boils the basic disease must be treated. In addition, treatment with clindamycin and rifampicin (both antibiotics) is often carried out for 2-3 weeks and, if necessary, with vitamin C.