
Even though watermelons can weigh up to 15 kilograms and sugar melons up to four kilograms, eating them does not translate into excess pounds on your belly or hips. This is because melons have a water content of about 90 percent and provide hardly any calories. 100 grams of melon have a calorific value of about 32 to 35 kilocalories. By comparison, the same amount of bananas contains more than twice that.

Melons – more than 500 varieties

While there aren’t many vitamins in watermelons, sugar melons can be quite impressive in their content of vitamin C, beta-carotene and minerals such as calcium and potassium.

Sugar melons include more than 500 varieties, which are roughly divided into three groups: Honeydew melons are those with smooth skins. They are the largest and heaviest sugar melons. Reticulated melons are characterized by their net structure on the skin. Particularly popular representatives are the pineapple melon or the sweet galia melon.

The smallest melons are the particularly aromatic cantaloupe melons. Their name refers to their first place of cultivation near Rome. These almost round fruits have a smooth, ribbed or warty skin.

Melons – cucurbits of the great kind.

Botanically, melons, like cucumbers and zucchini, belong to the cucurbit family and thus are considered a fruiting vegetable. Watermelons originated in southern Africa, probably in the Kalahari. Even today, the wild forms are valued there as a source of water.

Over the course of the centuries, the plants, which are valued for their water and fruit content, spread via Egypt and Persia to Asia. With the Spanish seafarers, watermelons and sugar melons reached the American continent. In the season from May to September, Spain, Italy, Greece and Israel supply the German market. Watermelons also arrive in German supermarkets from Hungary.

No one has to do without melons in winter either. The “yellow Canary melon” – commonly referred to as honeydew melon – is the best-known winter melon. Winter imports come mainly from Central to South American growing regions, mostly from Costa Rica, Mexico or Brazil.

Ripe melons – to recognize by the pressure and sound.

Ripe sugar melons smell pleasantly sweet and give slightly when light pressure is applied to the stem end. Ripe watermelons can be recognized by their sound. If the rind is tapped with a finger, a full, deep sound indicates ripe flesh. If it sounds hollow, the fruit is unripe or dry.

Since the huge watermelons are too large for many customers, segments are also offered. Those with bright red flesh without white stripes or pale centers promise a delightful treat. Fruits that are not quite ripe can ripen for a few days at room temperature, as long as they are still uncut.

Cut melons and fully ripe fruits should be eaten quickly, because they spoil quickly. Melons should not be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, because they lose flavor and take on the flavor of other foods.

Enjoyment on hot summer days

Melons are very refreshing on hot summer days, especially when served chilled or with ice. But they are not only suitable as a snack or dessert. Why not try out savory variations? Diced melon can be made into a delicious salad with cucumber and a mint-honey vinaigrette. Melon also tastes wonderful as a soup when added to vegetable broth with yogurt and herbs.