Symptoms of shock

General note

They are located on a subpage “Symptoms of Shock“. You can find general information on this topic on our Shock page. Classic shock symptoms are first of all: Furthermore, patients in a state of shock no longer excrete urine. In addition, the shock symptoms also occur with bacterial infection gas fire.

  • Unrest
  • Pale gray skin
  • Cold Welding
  • A shallow and rapid breathing, associated with shortness of breath, a drop in blood pressure with a simultaneous rapid and soft pulse
  • As well as, in the later stage, disturbances of consciousness up to the complete loss of consciousness.

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock

In anaphylactic shock, due to the allergic reaction underlying the shock, it is also apparent that this and the narrowing of the airways caused by the allergic reaction lead to severe shortness of breath and breathing sounds.

  • Itching
  • Skin squadrons
  • Possible water retention in the eyelids, lungs, epiglottis and throat (Quincke’s edema).

Symptoms of septic shock

In the state of septic shock, patients are more likely to show a rosy skin color and often have high fever due to the bacterial infection.

Complications of shock

One of the complications that can occur as a result of shock is acute kidney failure. Kidneys are tissues that do not have a high tolerance for a deficient blood supply and, if they are undersupplied, suffer permanent damage quite quickly. This acute failure can also occur in the lungs (ARDS = adult respiratory distress syndrome).

The reduced blood supply to the tissue and the resulting lack of oxygen can cause necrosis, i.e. dead areas, in the soft tissue, as well as muscle damage (myositis) and gangrenes. The most massive complication of shock is death caused by multiple organ failure (damage to several organs).