Criticism of the diet | Acid-Base Diet

Criticism of the diet

The conventional medical knowledge about the acid-base balance does not agree with the assumptions of the acid-base diet model. According to orthodox medical knowledge, it is assumed that the body itself is capable of establishing an acid-base balance. It is assumed that a so-called acid-base buffer system can provide a physiological balance.

For this purpose, the body has a chemical buffer system and an organic system, which is formed by the lungs and kidneys. It is assumed that the body is able to exhale excess acids through the lungs or excrete them through the kidneys. Only when this buffer system no longer functions properly due to diseases or disorders in the body can hyperacidity in the blood occur.

However, this so-called acidosis urgently requires medical treatment. Some authors of acid-base diets, however, point out that by “acidosis” they do not mean the medically defined acidosis. In their opinion, there are misunderstandings between orthodox medicine and naturopathy at this point, due to the same use of terms with different definitions.

What are the risks/hazards of this diet?

Every human body carries out its metabolic processes individually. Consequently, each organism reacts differently to different food ingredients and processes them individually. In addition, other factors also influence the way in which each individual organism reacts to certain foods.

According to this, every diet carries the danger that the appropriate nutrients are not added to the individual organism. This individual deficiency or individual surplus can manifest itself in different physical and also mental complaints. Physical pain and problems of various kinds can occur, as well as problems with concentration and attention. In addition, an inconsistent supply of nutrients can affect the mood and psyche of the person concerned. In the worst case, permanent damage and secondary diseases can result.

Where can I find good recipes for acid-base diets?

There are numerous recipes in books, in magazines and online on the Internet. Since the needs of the body are individual, as are the tastes, it is difficult to classify certain recipes as good or less good. In recipes in which similar foods are consistently used and others are omitted completely, there is a risk that certain nutrients will be missing in the long run. On the other hand, some people do not like or tolerate certain foods, so some recipes would be correspondingly unfavorable.