Systolic blood pressure value is too high


If your blood pressure has been measured too high for the first time, further examinations should be carried out as early as possible to determine whether there is permanent high blood pressure or whether the measured blood pressure value was only exceptionally too high. Permanent (chronic) high blood pressure causes complaints in the first few years only in very few people affected, which is why it is usually only discovered by chance through a control measurement. It is important to take the first-time high blood pressure value seriously and to have it investigated further despite the absence of symptoms – it becomes dangerous if the disease persists for a long time. Over many years, high blood pressure damages blood vessels throughout the body and leaves traces, especially in the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes. and lower systole

Causes of increased systole

It differs from person to person how much the blood pressure changes in the respective stress situations – for many people, even slight excitement can cause blood pressure fluctuations of 30 mmHg. For example, even a visit to the doctor can cause a certain amount of excitement, which is reflected in the blood pressure measurement as too high a blood pressure. This phenomenon is called “white coat hypertension”.

If the blood pressure is too high, although a certain resting period was observed before the measurement, this is more likely to indicate permanently elevated high blood pressure that requires treatment. In about 90% of those affected, no direct cause is ever found for this. This is what doctors call “primary hypertension” or “essential hypertension”.

Why so many people suffer from primary hypertension is still not known exactly and is a frequent subject of research. It is known that certain conditions increase the risk of primary hypertension. These include, for example, an unfavorable genetic predisposition: if parents or grandparents suffer from high blood pressure, the risk of contracting it increases as well.

Age also plays a role – at a higher age, high blood pressure occurs much more frequently, and only very rarely occurs under the age of 30. Important factors that promote high blood pressure and at the same time can be influenced by the patient himself are Overweight and lack of exercise an unhealthy and salt-rich nourishing way smoking and too strong consumption of alcohol continuing stress Further different, preexisting illnesses can release a blood high pressure – in addition belong the Schlafapnoe syndrome, different kidney illnesses, Arteriosklerose, hormonal illnesses and many more.

  • Overweight and lack of exercise
  • An unhealthy and salty diet
  • Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Persistent stress