How Ear Candles Work

Ear candles, also called ear candles or Hopi candles, are said to be a – invented – legend by the Native American Hopi people traditionally used to clean the ears. Ear candles are used for relaxation, against earwax as well as for problems with the ear, for example also for ear noises. Since 1990 ear candles are sold also in Germany. According to the manufacturers ear candles are to be able to unfold their effect with colds, headache, sleeplessness, hyperactivity, ear pain as well as Tinnitus. How useful is the application really and what are the risks? Find inner peace: 9 tips for more serenity

What are ear candles good for?

More and more service providers from the wellness sector offer an ear candling treatment to reduce stress. By burning the ear candle, light vibrations are generated, which are supposed to stimulate the ear structure as well as various reflex points. However, ear candles are known mainly for supposedly removing earwax and thus cleaning the ears.

What ear candles are made of

An ear candle consists of a hollow tube about 20 to 30 centimeters long, shaped like a cone. Traditionally, ear candles are made of flax, though today cotton serves as a substitute. The cotton fabric is soaked in beeswax and, depending on the product, individual mixtures of herbs and essential oils are added. At the bottom of the ear candles is often a filter or drip guard, so that the wax can not get into the ear.

Application of ear candles

When applying ear candles, you lie on your side. The ear candle is first inserted vertically into the ear with the narrower end with a careful twisting motion, so that the ear canal is sealed airtight. If necessary, the hair is covered with a cloth. Then the ear candle is lit so that warm smoke enters the inside of the ears. The ear candle is usually burned to a predetermined mark. Then the procedure is repeated on the second ear. For safety reasons, it is recommended that the ear candle should never be inserted into the ear by oneself, but always by a second person. In principle, this second person should always be present to prevent accidents and injuries.

Alleged effect of ear candles

The alleged positive effect of ear candles should come about through the so-called chimney effect. This is because lighting the ear candle in the ear creates a downward draft of air, which in turn creates a slight overpressure. After half of the ear candle has burned down, the air draft moves upwards, so that a pressure relief is caused. A possible effect of ear candles can be divided into three phases:

  1. After lighting the ear candle, it can affect the external auditory canal. The warmed herbs as well as aromas, which are outside the ear candle, should lead to an intensification of the positive effect.
  2. Pressure ratios alternate and vibration waves are created. This is to promote blood circulation in the ear as well as stimulate the lymph flow. In addition, the negative pressure is to pull the earwax out of the ear canal.
  3. Now a pressure equalization takes place. This is to have a relaxing effect on breathing and the heart, as well as lead to a complete relaxation of the whole body.

Ear candles medically highly controversial

A possible positive effect of ear candles is not proven from a medical point of view. Also, the cleansing effect can not be confirmed, because the resulting negative pressure is not strong enough to pull the earwax from the ears – at most, it can be somewhat loosened. ENT experts even point out that treatment with ear candles can also cause injuries to the ear and face. This is because the hot, dripping wax of the ear candle can cause the external auditory canal of the ear to become blocked. In addition, the burning ear candle can also cause burns to the outer ear, middle ear, eardrum or face. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the ear candle has safety features such as a burn mark and a safety filter or collection plate. In addition, you should never perform the treatment alone. Once the ear candle is lit, it can only be extinguished with the help of water, so when using ear candles, a glass filled with water should be within reach as a precautionary measure.Furthermore, allergic reactions to the ingredients of the ear candles, such as the essential oils or herbs, can also be triggered.

When should you not use ear candles?

You should not use ear candles for the following health conditions:

  • In the case of purulent inflammation in the ear
  • For fungal infections in the ear
  • In case of eardrum injuries
  • For acute earache
  • For inner ear implants

In these cases, it is advisable to consult an ENT doctor directly. Who decides to treat with ear candles, should be advised by a doctor about the treatment itself, as well as all possible risks associated with the use of ear candles. Also, if the person being treated cannot lie still for a long period of time due to other medical conditions (for example, back problems or cough), the use of ear candles should be avoided. In addition, due to the relatively high risk of injury, ear candles should not be used on children.

Alternative for the removal of earwax

Earwax, also known medically as cerumen, performs an important protective function in the ear canal. It keeps the skin supple and prevents infections and inflammations. If you still find it bothersome, for example if too much earwax impairs hearing, careful rinsing with water or special ear drops can soften the cerumen so that it can drain away more easily. If unsure or if ear disease is already present, consult an ENT physician who can perform a professional ear irrigation. Alternative medicine